It doesn’t seem too logical, but most people listen to sad songs when they are sad. and I don’t really understand that – if you listen to sad songs when you are down, how do you keep yourself from, you know, emotional breakdown or something? 🙂 Anyway, I prefer listening to something uplifting when i feel blue, and here I want to share the songs that make me feel better, maybe they will help you get your spirits up.

  1. One Republic – Good Life. Even though this song is about how good someone else’s life is, it still makes me feel better when I am sad. Music is soothing and uplifting, and I love this band. You may also want to listen to Everybody Loves Me.
  2. Anya Marina – All the Same to Me. There is hardly a person who’s never heard it, and I really like this song. I think it’s the couldn’t-care-less attitude that appeals to me.
  3. Rock Mafia – The Big Bang. This one isn’t very inspiring but it sure is amusing, and it will definitely make you smile.
  4. Depeche Mode – Enjoy the Silence. This is a cool song, and it will always be. Even if it doesn’t get you in a good mood, at least it will make you forget some of your worries.
  5. Hurts – It’s a Wonderful Life. I think the name of this song speaks for itself. Although other songs of Hurts may make you feel like you’ve hit the rock bottom, so stick for this one for now.
  6. Rocky Leon – Quit Your Whining. This one is going to make you feel much better if you are a bit sad, but if you are depressed it will probably piss you off 😀
  7. Bonobo ft. Bajka – Days to Come. This song will make you feel like you have wings, there is just no way it can’t cheer you up.
  8. Bonobo ft. Andreya Triana – Stay the Same. It makes you think and try to understand yourself a little bit better.
  9. Cary Brothers – O Holy Night. If you are a religious person, it will sure soothe you, and even if you are not, this song is incredibly uplifting.
  10. Low vs. Diamond – Heart Attack, the music video. I’m saying the music video, because the song itself is not going to affect your mood, but video will – it’s beautiful. This video has even won an award; unfortunately I don’t remember which one…

I hope I am not missing anything, and I will be glad if you share your favorite songs with me!

It seems like everyone likes kittens. Some say that the level of coziness should be measured in cats where 10 ct is the highest level of coziness. And it is easy to understand: they are cute, they do lots of funny stuff and it is easy to take care of them. But what do you do if you are allergic to cats? If you live in an apartment in a city, it is better to not get a dog (unless it is a small one). If you really want a pet, but you can’t get a cat or a dog, it is not the end of the world. When we say ‘pet’ most people imagine a cat or a dog, but these are not the only animals that can live with you. Here I am going to speak about other pets one can have, maybe it will help you to choose a pet!

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There are less psycho types that one may suppose to be. Of course everybody is unique and there are no even the two people in the whole world who were completely the same. But the set of the certain characteristics allows all the people to be divided into the several large groups according to their psychological types. Having divided the people’s personalities into the large groups the psychologists can easily choose the appropriate methods, food, lifestyle, physical activity and animal companion suitable to the each category.

So here is the list of the pets that will suit your personality.

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A good photographer can capture different emotions of your face, your best posture and the advantages of your figure and make your ideal photo, but the best photographer will perform all this tasks with a non-human model which is hard to catch and impossible to make do what you want. If you are ready to accept the challenge you have to learn how to take photos of…birds.

The most important thing while you are shooting birds is to keep as silent as possible. Do not make noise or speak loud. Your clothes also should not be bright. Your task is to look like a part of the environment in order not to scare the birds away.

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In the middle of the 90s Mel Gibson started shooting in “Braveheart”. During that time he was at the peak of his fame. It may seem that his life is totally successful as he has all the things that the average people dare only dream of: wealth, fame, art analysts appreciation and the whole army of fans. But Mel Gibson admitted that he is not quite happy about the fact that he is associated with action and adventure movies only.

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The world is full of monuments of cats and dogs. In every corner where a human beings lives there can be found t least one bronze, wooden or stone pet for sure. The desire of people to immortalize themselves is understandable, but why do they put statues of cats and dogs by their side?

In Leon, for instance, there is a monument of greyhound Ginford who is said to save a kid from the snake’s bite, or, according to another version, from a wolf’s attack. The locals honored the dig as a saint and a patron of children for a long time, and the fact that their saint had four legs did not bother them much.

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Canal sickness is a kind of disease which to which everybody including kids and adults, beginners and experienced travelers can be subject. It is our vestibular apparatus which is responsible for our well-being during the travel. It is situated in the inner ear and controls our sense of balance. The receptors of this organ react on turns or nods of your head and cause reflectory muscular activity which provides straitening of your body and preserving of your posture. Receptors of the vestibular apparatus also help us to perceive the position of our head in space and to perceive the movements of the body as well. We are used to horizontal movements, that’s why unusual movements up and down can cause nausea and vomit.

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Winter is coming which means that it will become more difficult to meet with your friends and participate in different outdoor activities. When it is cold it is more pleasant to it in your flat under a warm blanket. There is only one problem – you can die from boredom if you spend the whole winter like this. So, some interesting and unusual hobby is needed and personally I recommend decoupage.

Decoupage presents decorating of some object with pieces of paper or cuts from the magazines. You glue the pieces to the surface and fasten each layers with vanishes. The result of your work should look like an original picture thanks to the effect of multiple attachments.

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Total weight of your nails is only three grams, but it is an essen5tial and, moreover, speaking detail of your appearance. The average nail should be solid, even, smooth, polished and transparent. If the appearance of your nails does not coincide with this description it may mean either that you should change your ration or that something is wrong with your health.

If you want to make your nails more solid you should include in your ration such products as cheese, yogurt, chicken, greens, nuts, fish and seafood. Drink more green tea and mineral water. However, you will have to wait for the results of this diet as the nail plate renews once in three months.

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Dogs are the friends of people, or, at least, of the people who own them. But an unknown stray dog may present serious danger to you if it decided to attack you for some reason. Some of them really look and behave like city predators, so you should get prepared to stand this foe.

If a dog just threatens to attack you, it is likely that it is untrained as a trained dog attacks without warning. But if you deal with a stray animal which growls and grins you have some time to assess the situation. Do not run away as it will switch on the dog’s instinct of a predator and it will run after you. Silently observe the territory (a cry can provoke attack), bend slowly and pick some appropriate object, like a can, sand, or stone. If there is nothing of this kind near you, put off one of your shoes and aim a blow with it. In most cases it will prevent a stray dog from attacking you. Then bypass dog’s territory without turning your back to it.

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